News Items for61 Drive-In Theater

Wed May 04 2016
Enjoy a movie and a dose of nostalgia at the drive-in
The 61 Drive-In, located just south of Maquoketa on U.S. Highway 61, is hard to miss. The large, white screen towers over the flat landscape and the grassy parking lot is the only interruption in an otherwise continuous sea of cornfields. You just can ... link

Media Items for61 Drive-In Theater

61 Drive-In Theater, IA 52037

Movie showtimes, pictures, history and much more information about 61 Drive-In Theater in IA 52037 is not affiliated with 61 Drive-In Theater. The information above is provided as a free service; we encourage you to contact 61 Drive-In Theater directly with any issues, concerns, or suggestions that are specific to them.

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